This 6,000 SF office building is the headquarters for RCMA, a provider of child care and other services to low-income families through out the State of Florida. RCMA was founded by Mennonites in Homestead, Florida in the 1960's and in 1968 they selected Wendell Rollason to become their Executive Director. From then to his death in 1998, he led this organization with love, energy and commitment. Barbara Mainster has led RCMA since even before Mr Rollason's passing and has continued the level of care and passion that has made RCMA one of the premier Head Start providers in the country.
The building is designed in a crescent shape, that in Mr. Rollason's words, signified "an arm encirling and protecting the children." The shape also presented a face to a busy street that would have a 250' long custom designed three dimensional ceramic mural by nationally known artist, Judith inglese installed in 2008.
The building is designed in a crescent shape, that in Mr. Rollason's words, signified "an arm encirling and protecting the children." The shape also presented a face to a busy street that would have a 250' long custom designed three dimensional ceramic mural by nationally known artist, Judith inglese installed in 2008.